• Read This Once the Turkey Settles

    From: Huckberry    Update time: May-30-2024 07:54:am

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Happy Rucksgiving, the history of the turkey pardon, that time Barney died in the Macy's parade, 8 rules for the family group chat, the science of gratitude, and more… Hey Huckberry, Michael Easter here, author of The Comfort Crisis and Scarcity Brain, and longtime advocate for doing hard shit in order to live better.  Even on Thanksgiving. In that spirit, I’m inviting you to our first annual Holiday Rucking Challenge—a workout you can do with your whole family. I’ll be doing it before the feast. Think of it as a preemptive strike on the food you’re going to crush. Rucking is one of the most effective workouts you can do. It's also easy to get started, even if you're stuck at the in-laws' house today. All you need is a backpack with some weight and a willingness to take a walk outdoors. No excuses. Check out the workout details HERE. Happy Thanksgiving and we’ll see you out there (sweaty, ruck on, dreaming of potatoes and that second slice of pie).  Here’s to a night of good eats, strong drinks, and plenty of stories around the Thanksgiving table

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